II International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation

In person and virtual
Students and professionals from national and international universities and research institutions
[email protected]

En asocio con:

CONICIETI is an annual meeting of academics, researchers, students and professionals from the industry. It is hosted by the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC) in Honduras. CONICIETI invites the participation of researchers from universities, national and international institutions and industry. The conference is hybrid (face-to-face and virtual) and will feature keynote lectures, forums, exhibitions, conferences and electronic and physical scientific poster sessions. CONICIETI is a space to disseminate and value national and regional scientific work, as well as to promote international exchange.
Authors may participate with two types of work: a) a Full Paper for one of the journals associated with the conference, or b) a Short Conference Paper in the CONICIETI format for the event’s proceedings. All authors will present a poster during the event, independent from the journal they apply their work to be published.
In 2025, the conference will highlight the excellence when doing science, and authors are invited to include that element in their manuscript as it applies.
The conference venue will be the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Virtual presentations will be allowed for international authors only.
- Accepted Full Papers will be published in the following journals: a) Scientific Net (Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering [Scopus Q4] and Engineering Headway [other indexes]); b) Revista de Ciencias Forenses de Honduras; c) Emergent; d) Innovare.
- CONICIETI Short Conference Paper in a Supplement of Innovare.
Reyna Durón, M.D., Direction of Research, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
Program Coordinators
- José Luis Ordoñez Ávila, PhD, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
- Manuel Cardona, PhD, Direction of Research, Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador
- Jorge Canales Verdial, PhD, Head of Mechatronics, Central New Mexico Community College, Estados Unidos
Finantial Coordinator
Denise Valdez, Direction of Research, PhD, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC)
Comunication and Public Relaction Coordinator
Karol Martinez, MSc, Dirección de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
Publication Coordinators
- Ana C. Romero, MSc, Direction of Research, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
- Karen Zavala, MSc, Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
- Kevin Mejía, PhD, Escuela de Arte y Diseño, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
- Onix Salgado, PhD, Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
- Fernanda Martínez, PhD, Facultad de Postgrado, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
- Delmis Emilia Gutiérrez, MSc, Centro Tecnológico Universitario (CEUTEC), Honduras
- Gissel Padilla, MSc, Centro Tecnológico Universitario, (CEUTEC) Honduras
- Paola Pascua Cantarero, MSc, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
- Eduardo Antunez Brito, MSc, Dirección de Comunicación y Relaciones Públicas, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
Scientific Committee of the Program
Alberto Alonzo, MSc, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá
Alberto Carrasco, MSc, Algonquin College, Canada
Alicia María Reyes, MSc, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
Carlos Bran, PhD, Universidad Don Bosco, UDB, El Salvador
Claudia Lorena Garzón Castro, PhD, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
Douglas Aguilar, MSc, Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador, El Salvador
Fernanda Cáceres, MSc, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
Héctor Moreno, PhD, Universidad de Coahuila, México
Isela Carrera Calderón, PhD, Universidad de Coahuila, México
Jorge Canales, PhD, Central New Mexico Community College, USA
Josselyn Jovita, PhD, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
Julio Valentín Fajardo, PhD, Universidad de Galileo, Guatemala
Karla Reyes, PhD, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
Leonardo Nikolai Vinces, MSc, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Perú
Marcelo Chacana, PhD, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile
María Elena Perdomo, PhD, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC), Honduras
Martín Rangel, PhD, Universidad Autónoma de Morelos, México
Roberto Chang, PhD, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
Vilbet Briones, PhD, Universidad la Serena, Chile
Mireya Matamoros, MsC, Revista de Ciencias Forenses de Honduras.
- January 17, 2025 – Call for Papers (CfP)
- April 10, 2025 – Deadline for submission of Full Papers in the format of the journal associated with the conference in which the paper will be published if accepted:
- Scientific Net (Scopus and non Scopus)
- Revista de Ciencias Forenses de Honduras (other non-Scopus indexes)
- Emergent Journal (Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador. New)
- Tekné (other non-Scopus indexes)
- April 10, 2025 – Deadline for submission of CONICIETI Short Conference Papers for all areas of knowledge. Use the official template found in the AUTHOR RESOURCES folder. Accepted Short Conference Papers will be part of the event’s proceedings in the Innovare journal (other indexes).
- April 13 to 18, 2025 – Notification of acceptance to present scientific poster at CONICIETI.
- April 14-25, 2025 -Deadline to submit poster design prior to submission or printing. Authors should follow the feedback from reviewers.
- First week of May 2025 – Publication of the final program.
- May 14-15, 2025 – Conference
- May to August 2025 – Authors with Full Paper accepted will process the revisions requested by the journal to which they are applying.
- May to August 2025 – Authors with Short Conference Papers will process the revisions requested by the editors of the event’s proceedings (by Innovare).
CONICIETI 2025 invites Full Papers for journals and Short Conference Papers, within these areas:
- SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Climate change, country vision, national plan, socioeconomic development, globalization, competitiveness, with emphasis on equity, inclusion and care for the environment.
- SOCIAL SCIENCES, HUMANITIES AND ARTS: Sociology, anthropology, political science, philosophy, geography, demography, history, literature, law, journalism, communication, international relations, art, architecture, design, musicology, cinematography and others.
- TEACHING AND LEARNING: Teaching, pedagogy, educational innovation, didactics, teacher training, digital skills, cognition, related biological processes and epistemology, methodology, aims and objectives in education, among others.
- BIOLOGICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES: Medicine, psychology, nutrition, dentistry, rehabilitation, genetics, molecular biology, epidemiology, health technologies, bioethics, among others.
- ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT: artificial intelligence, robotics, mathematical analysis and modeling, simulation, number theory, digital transformation, internet of things, industry 4.0, automation, smart manufacturing, technological change, new business models, entrepreneurship, disruptive technologies, business management, operations management, people and organization, project management program, and technology transfer.
Please see the flowchart about how to participate in CONICIETI:

- Authors should follow the formats and/or templates of the journals to which they are applying to publish their Full Papers, or the CONICIETI conference template.
- Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format using the following link:
- The author who will be the presenter should appear as first author.
- In the case of teams of authors combining students or professionals or several institutions, the first author of the paper defines the category of participation.
- Articles that do not comply with the established guidelines will not be accepted.
- Authors registered in CONICIETI 2025 accept all the schedules and guidelines of the conference in all its parts, so they will not be able to request any type of exception or modification.
- It is the obligation of the authors to respond to all communications from the conference organizers and to process the indicated corrections. If there is no response to the e-mails sent to the authors, the committee will decide to withdraw the paper from the program.
- Authors using UNITEC, CEUTEC and UNIVERSIDAD VIRTUAL as their affiliation, may be students, academics or researchers active in the university system in the last twelve months prior to the submission of the paper. Beyond that time, the author will use the affiliation of “Independent Researcher” or other.For additional instructions on posters and others, please check the AUTHOR RESOURCES folder.
- Papers submitted to CONICIETI 2025 will undergo a double-blind peer review process, so it is necessary that the submitted papers do not include the name of the authors. Check the guidelines of the journal of your interest or the template for the CONICIETI Short Conference Papers (available in AUTHOR RESOURCES).
- All manuscripts will be evaluated by at least two reviewers.
- Each accepted paper will be presented as an electronic poster for international authors and as a printed poster in a roll-up banner for authors residing in Honduras.
- The presentation of the paper during the conference does not guarantee the publication of the article by the journal to which the author(s) have applied. To guarantee publication, authors must comply with the requests of the reviewers of each journal associated with the conference.
- Comply with international standards of ethics in research, publication and authorship. See and .
- Submit unpublished papers that are not under simultaneous review in another journal or conference.
- Use of artificial intelligence: CONICIETI adheres to the standards for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) published by the Committee for Publication Ethics ( and the World Association of Medical Editors ( Artificial intelligence cannot be considered the author of publications, authors will take full responsibility for their writing and will be required to declare whether they have used AI-assisted products or technologies, e.g., Large Language Models, chatbots, or image creators, in justified cases. Authors should consider that AI could generate incorrect or incomplete results and should declare that there is no plagiarism in their article or images produced with AI. CONICIETI reserves the right to reject articles in which it is considered that there is inappropriate use of AI.
- Ensure the quality of the writing and language of the manuscript. It is advisable to seek editorial assistance before submitting your paper.
- Plagiarism will be considered a criterion for rejection and will influence the acceptance of participation in future CONICIETI conferences.
- Confirm that all authors participated and approved the article.
- In the case of teams of authors that combine students or teachers, the first author and his/her affiliation will define the category of participation.
CONICIETI does not charge for the processing or publication of papers. Registration to the conference is also free of charge. Each author or his/her affiliated institution will be responsible for the costs of preparing papers, posters, transportation and lodging.
All posters approved for presentation will be published on the CONICIETI website after the event. The best posters of the conference will compete for first and second place, based on the following:
Type of participant
- UNITEC professional
- UNITEC student
- External professional
- External student
Knowledge areas
- Sustainable development
- Social sciences, humanities and arts
- Teaching and learning
- Biological and health sciences
- Engineering, technology and management
Evaluation criteria
- It will be presided over by an anonymous Qualifying Jury, independent of the organizers of the event and appointed by UNITEC’s Direction of Research.
- Criteria for the qualification of the work:
- Quality of the content 20%
- Originality 15%
- Novelty 10%
- Contextualization within the subject matter of the conference 5%
- Methodology 10%
- Social impact 5%.
- Visual presentation of the material 35%
- There can be no more than one winner for each place awarded.
- The Jury may recommend the awarding of special mentions.
- The Jury may declare one or more award invalid, as the case may be.
- The Jury will communicate the selection of the winners by means of minutes signed by a designated secretary and said selection is final.
- The members of the Organizing Committee may participate as speakers at the congress, but may not be reviewers of papers or posters, and must declare conflict of interest in the process, when necessary.
Award date
- It will take place at the closing ceremony of CONICIETI 2025.
- Each author will receive a diploma stating the award received.